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Evidence of research leadership and SupervisionManagement of research groups, if appropriate to the field. Maintenance of a portfolio of research activity, development of research proposals, and management of research projects, as appropriate to the field. Mentoring of early career staff, if appropriate. Supervision of PhDs to completion. Success in securing external funding, as appropriate to the subject area Sustained level of applications to recognised research funding bodies, with a success rate appropriate for the discipline. Where appropriate, evidence of KTP and exploitation of intellectual property, including patents.  TEACHING AND LEARNING Benchmarks Indicators some elements will be more relevant (although not exclusive) to those who are primarily learning and teaching specialists and may not be relevant to all research staff.The indicators noted below should be evidenced by sustained impact and leadership at College level and applicants should be recognised role models within the College. It is also expected that there will be evidence of a developing contribution and reputation at a University level and externally.Evidence of teaching innovation and course development, course design and administration at both under-graduate and post-graduate levelsLeadership in terms of the quality of courses and teaching. Leadership in departmental initiatives that improve teaching. Development of new teaching materials or methodologies influencing the pedagogy of the subject. Development of new teaching materials, or demonstrated the capacity to lead innovation in the development or modernisation of the subject curriculum. Responsibility for the development of innovative approaches to course design, learning and teaching and assessment practice. Development of innovative approaches to learning and teaching, for example to course design, or assessment, as appropriate to the subject area. Significant contribution to teaching development plans or activities that benefit others within the department. Evidence of significant on-going curriculum review (QA1, QA2) to adapt and develop new learning domains. Responsibility for reviewing his/her own teaching activities, to ensure learning outcomes are effectively achieved, taking account of feedback. Reviewing of course content and materials, and where appropriate developed, designed and updated materials. Involvement in academic quality assurance assessments, for example validation panels within the university or externally. Contributions that have shaped the way in which the subject is taught within the discipline / College. Contributions to active development and use of the VLE and other forms of learning technologies, if appropriate to the subject area. Work as an innovator/champion in Learning and Teaching. Leading contribution to curriculum development and design. Promotion of methods that support an inclusive learning environment (including Welsh-language teaching)  Evidence of significant contributions to the pedagogy of the subject area / professional practice.Contribution to the development and delivery in own subject area and educational contribution at School / College / University level and externally. Involvement of learning and teaching at national level, for example running workshops or specialist courses at other universities. Conference presentations on pedagogy. Development of collaboration in terms of teaching across subject and disciplinary boundaries. From September 2018 staff must have achieved HEA accreditation to Fellow if employed on a Teaching & Research Contract or Senior Fellow if employed on a Teaching and Scholarship contract. Scholarship related to learning and teaching. Leading authorship of books, publications in refereed journals and/, or other articles, and/or conference proceedings appropriate to field.Evidence of high quality teachingEvidence from student feedback and peers to evaluate and develop teaching. Recognition through nomination as Teaching Fellow. Excellence in teaching, attested by evidence from a teaching profile, peer observation, student feedback, teaching award, or other sources appropriate to the subject area. Evidence of developing the teaching skills of other staff within the University. Evidence of commitment to continuing professional development in learning and teaching. Use of methods that support an inclusive learning environment.  WIDER CONTRIBUTION Benchmarks Indicators Contribution to University management and administrationCurrent or previous departmental responsibility, e.g. exams officer, admissions officer, year tutor. Contribution to management and/or policy formation at school or university level. Contribution to planning, governance or academic management at school or college level. Evidence of a management role, (e.g. director of teaching or research, senior tutor, exams officer, admissions tutor) at school or college level. Contribution to addressing aspects of the student experience. Contribution to student recruitment and retention. Leadership of school or college projects, which may involve interdisciplinary groups. Taking an active role in fostering the development of and encouraging less experienced members of staff. Contribution to the Universitys mission to promote equality and diversity and the Welsh language. Applications may be supported by evidence of considerable activity at College level. Enhancing the Universitys ProfileInitiation or maintenance of links between the University and external groups or the community at large Advisory capacity for government bodies. Involvement in third mission actitivies, or in development of projects with commercial impact, if appropriate to the subject area. Contribution to capacity building in the region e.g. as evidenced through knowledge transfer activities. Contribution to marketing and publicity events. Contribution to culture and cultural enrichment. Contribution to the universitys mission to promote equality and diversity and the Welsh language, if appropriate to the subject area. Contribution to community engagement.      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